先週、ライゾマさん主催のイベントが五反田ソニックにて開催された。openFrameworksZacharyART+COMのJUSSIによるトークセッション、のはずがザックの乗った飛行機が到着せず、急遽ビデオでの出演。これはこれで面白かった。ART+COMの話も。この規模でインスタレーションがあまり見られないだけに組織力の力も感じました。(ART+COMはBMWのKinetic Sculptureをつくったとこ)


Last week there was a talk show by Rhizomatiks, guests were Zachery from openFrameworks and Jussi from ART+COM. Unfortunately Zach’s plane couldn’t arrive to Tokyo because of the volcano in Russia. He headed all the way back to NYC again and joined the event through Skype.
The talk was nice and bunch of peopled showed up.

Recently there has been alot of events happening in Tokyo. Good thing for the organizer is that it’s way much easier to gather people than before. If you have good event planned, just tweet it, then people convey the info so quick.

So, Zach is coming to Tokyo again next week after workshops in Kyusyuu. If your in town check it out.

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Flying Tokyo